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Once upon a time in a vast and colorful garden, there lived a little seed named Sammy. Sammy was a small and shy seed, nestled in the rich, brown soil beneath a tall and proud sunflower. Sammy admired the sunflower's vibrant petals and its towering height, and he dreamed of growing just like it.
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Each day, Sammy would peek out from the soil, looking at the world above and longing to be a magnificent sunflower. But, Sammy was impatient, and he wanted to grow tall and beautiful immediately. He complained to his friend, the wise old tree, about how slow his growth was.
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The wise old tree smiled and said, "Sammy, growth takes time, patience, and hard work. To become a splendid sunflower, you must first learn to embrace the journey and be content with your own pace."
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Sammy felt a bit better, but he still wished to be big and bright like the sunflower. He tried everything to speed up his growth. He stretched his roots deeper into the soil, and he even asked the rain to water him more. But, nothing seemed to work.
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One day, a gentle breeze whispered to Sammy, "Don't compare yourself to others, Sammy. Each of us has our own purpose and our own path. Your journey is just as important as the sunflower's."
Sammy listened and decided to focus on what he could do best—absorbing the sunlight and water, and growing at his own pace. Day by day, Sammy's stem grew a little taller, his leaves became greener, and his roots stronger.
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As the seasons passed, Sammy realized that he had grown into a beautiful sunflower himself. He had learned the true meaning of patience and the value of embracing his own journey. And, even though he wasn't the tallest sunflower in the garden, he stood proud and content.
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